Introducing the Boojum Burrito Bib - Available from April 1st

A wise man once said, “The whole appeal of the burrito is that all of the ingredients are contained within the confines of the tortilla.” But what if that didn’t always have to be the case?
Do you often find yourself ordering a burrito slightly above maximum burrito capacity, always thinking, “It’ll be grand this time, I’m sure.” only to follow that thought with “I wouldn’t have got the peppers if I knew they wouldn’t fit..” Well, never again.

Picture this: Without fear, hesitation, or limitations, you stand confidently in the queue, ordering yourself a burrito loaded with Mexican rice, peppers, chilli con carne, chorizo, queso, jalapenos, pickled onions, corn salsa, guac, salsa roja, cheese, and chorizo crunch’um. You watch the skilled burrista struggle to roll that big boy up and you fearlessly carry it to your seat.
Peeling back the tinfoil, you hold the burrito up and gaze at it in all its delicious glory. It’s time.
Bite by bite you work your way through the burrito of all burritos, as beans and chunks of meat explode out of the tortilla. The guac, salsas and chilli mix together inside and begin to drip down your arms but it doesn’t slow you down, for today not a morsel of burrito will be wasted.
Swallowing the last bite and licking the last drop of dripped queso from your fingers you ball up the tinfoil and swiftly discard it.
Your meal has only just begun.

Ripping open a bag of freshly cooked tortilla chips and licking your lips you scoop ‘em straight into the ultimate pre-made nacho dip - for all along you were wearing none other than - THE BOOJUM BURRITO BIB.
That’s right, you heard it here first. From today you can get your hands on one of the exclusive BOOJUM BURRITO BIBS, available with any in-store burrito purchase. Say adios to messy tables and wasted burrito fillings and HOLA to the BOOJUM BURRITO BIB.
*Available from April 1st.