Freshers: Do you have what it takes to be Boojum’s Mex Top Hand Model?

Freshers 2021 is here and this year we’re giving one lucky student the chance to get their mitts on a serious fistful of dollars and be the face, erm, hand of the brand as Boojum’s official hand model!
No more worrying over getting that work-life-study balance just right; if you’re a student and the sort of person who can’t wait to smash a pic of that phat burrito up on the ‘gram almost as much as you can’t wait to tuck into it, this could be the handiest part-time job you’ll ever have!
The lucky winner will receive a £/€5,000 hand modelling contract and get the opportunity to put their skills to good use as part of an official Boojum photoshoot.
As if that wasn’t epic enough, they’ll also receive an entire year’s worth of free Boojum food to fuel that newfound A-list lifestyle, plus complimentary manicures and hand treatments (if that’s your thing) to keep those magic mitts in shoot-ready shape.
Best hand job ever…?!

How do I enter?!
To enter the competition, would-be finger jockeys simply need to enter online for free by clicking this link.
Once submissions close, five lucky entrants will be selected at random to submit a picture of their paws doing their best hand model impression. The finalists will then go head-to-head in a public vote on our social channels with the overall winner being officially crowned Boojum’s Mex Top Hand Model!

Do I have to be a professional model to win…?
Nope! We want to make it clear that this competition’s for everyone to enter and not just those blessed few with perfectly proportioned fingers and meticulously manicured nails.
The ability to make a burrito or bowl look great is a big part of it, but we’re also looking for someone with a real creative flair and an obvious obsession with Mexican food; someone who really knows their fajitas from their carnitas, a true-blue Boojum addict who can recite their favourite order quicker than they can their own phone number!
If you think you’ve got what it takes to make the cut for Boojum’s Mex Top Hand Model, put those paws to good use and enter now… and may the best hand win!